Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lalala :D

Okay. I don't know what to blog about. Nope, I'm not gonna blog about d Kemaman trip, nothing to talk about anyways. (Yes cause its too boring =/)

Yeah exam is over and the results? I'm not satisfied with my ADD MATHS. I got a C, a C, a C! C6 somemore. Aihhh. Looks like pure understanding is not enough for me. I need lotsa practice. Darren, why can't I just have your style of Add Maths?? :( You are  seriously a genius! :( :(

And the most surprising thing, my BIOLOGY has the highest mark of all subjects. It's sooo unbelievable! I always thought that my Chem will be better, but oh wells. Anyways it's just 1 mark different :P :P

Hmmm English. I hate English. Not the subject la, the TEACHER. She ah. The worst teacher ever. I answer the question in point form, and she mark the answer as wrong although its correct. Then hor, the other classes' teachers ENCOURAGE the students to write in POINT FORM. And we? More specifically me, what did I get? WRONG WRONG WRONG. RAWR. :( Cause of that, I was emo (yes I can be emo) for the whole recess time. I complain to everyone I see. And I really kesian Yi Lin cause I keep complaining to her. (but it's fair now since she keep talking about her add maths mark, how she can be soo careless and how she can get more marks, when I get waaaaay lower marks than her.)

Aiya whatever la. I should be happy now. It's school holidays!