Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Back to school again. Although it's just the first few days of school, it's so hectic. Being in 4 Amiga is definitely not easy, with all the smarties around. And from 3 Explorer to 4 Amiga, it's really different. In terms of people around me, and also the new stream! Form 4 is so different from form 3, yet people claims that it's a honeymoon year. Not! Maybe it's partially cause of Azhani's fault, who picked me as the Ketua Kebersihan of the class. So gonna get her back the next time. 

Started my tuition for BM and Chemistry already. At first, when I first saw the list of formula of ions that I need to memorise, I went like "Huh... So many, how to memorise?!" And then thoughts start to pour in like "Am I really suitable for pure science?". But after thinking again, pure science is definitely the right one for me. Therefore, must work hard la! If not, can't survive at all. I seriously am scared to fail my papers. I know it's normal, but I'll try my best not to!

The question is, how long can I stand to be super hardworking and to work super hard? People who know me well, it's so not me to be a super nerd.

Only God can help me, and I'm just believing.