Monday, September 29, 2008

Holidays? Not.

Holidays? For once, I hate holidays. Yes, the Raya Holidays. All you happy souls will be happily enjoying your holidays, going to malls, vacations, sleepovers... While me, can't go out at all. A few plans for the week such as badminton on Sunday Noon, lunch on Tuesday with some Teenacity-ians, ice-skating with Yellow on Thursday... Even though I haven't get approval from my parents yet, I'm sure that I won't be able to go for the lunch and ice-skate since I can't even go for the badminton yesterday. Therefore, I HATE HOLIDAYS.

What can I do? Except for studying at home, there's nothing I can do. My life is all drained, all because of the stupid and useless PMR. And what? My parents don't think that I can excel in my studies, because I'm superb active in church and I dont study on Saturdays. I certainly believe that if I put God as my first priority, He will honour me in return. And I shall prove that right through PMR. Help me Lord, I really need You, I need to get good results, I need to complete reading my Sejarah now, or else it will be a B or a C. I need to get straight As, it's a must, it's a must, IT IS A MUST!

Well, at least something for me to be happy of. Went to my regular optical shop in Bangsar yesterday, tested my eyesight and I chose a new specs. Brief report on my eyes, Right : myopia + 75, astig no change, Left : myopia + 25, astig + 50. In total, my new specs costs RM480. Expensive I know, cause of my astig, the lens is more expensive. But, I LOVE MY NEW SPECS, loving the colour, loving the frame. Btw, I haven't get my new specs yet, gonna collect it this Sunday.

Thanks for tuning in peeps, ciaoz for now.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fattish! - Quoted by Audrey

And guess what? I felt hungry and just grabbed a potato bun to eat. So fattish right? Don't care la, for now, as long as it satisfies my hunger... Look at the posting time yo! xD

Satay Party!!!

Decided to stay up late with Justina. Since she replies my msn messages like superb slow, I shall blog about today's Homes Party ---- SATAY PARTY!!

6.45pm, the TN3 USJ 12 Homes people started to invade my house. Met here, everyone reached then we departed to Joshua Chu's place! I was in Eunice Lim's car with Jared, Dinah and Shu Yen. Dinah and Shu Yen were like superb "ho ji muis" and keep whispering to each other. And I kept asking what are they talking about, and they even frontstabbed Eunice! Hahaha!!! Poor Eunice, dahlah tu jadi driver, kena kutuk pulak. But it's not that bad as you imagine la, Eunice purposely exaggerate it. =.=

Reached Joshua's place, lepak around and chit-chat with some teenacity-ians, then went to discuss the performance for Homes with Shaun. Everything is well planned, only for the part where we need to do it out. FYI, we put up a magic show, but we don't call it magic, we call it optical illusion. xD

During our performance, the first one succeeded, the second one succeeded, and the third one succeeded. But the real hard one was Shaun's second card trick. Phui Yi was the "audience" that got picked to assist in the magic show, Gyllen also helped out. Phui Yi was holding a few cards, around 5, and Gyllen is suppose to hit it, and the one left in Phui Yi's hand will be the card that she previously chosen. Shaun demo-ed it once to us and it was so COOL! (Sorry if you don't know what am I talking about, I'm bad at describing)

As time is not enough, we had to cancel the last trick and the finale. That is like the BOMB! but we can't do that. As long as we get through it, it's fine by me. Cause the magic show decision was very last minute, 2 hours before the party start.

Satay was good too! I ate mostly beef, it's SUPERB NICE! But didn't eat much cause I was kinda busy, don't really know what am I busy-ing about also, besides taking attendance. Connecting with people guah... =/

For the whole party, it's mostly performance, performance and more performance. All by our own teens! Congrats to TN3 who won the performance competition, which all the TN3 members got a lollipop each! (so Philip Gan style right... xD) Bollywood Dance, you rock! Hahahaha....

Yeah, this will be the "last" 5 combined Homes Party for now, the next time, TN2 Puchong is gonna combine with TN3 USJ12! Yay!!! I can meet my honey, and my brother can meet his honey. Haha!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tagged, again.

Why are there so many tags? Ish!


RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs
and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1.Do you have secrets?
I wonder which human being doesn't have any secrets?

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

To have a life as great as possible.

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

Literally? I always kick my brother's butt. But I would love to kick the devil's butt (agreed with Jun Kit)

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

I will never have a billion dollars. So what for think?

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
I already loved her. In a good way. Stop whatever you're thinking right now!

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
It's the same.

7. If you had 3 wishes what would it be?
( i )
More teens to be in Teenacity!
( ii ) Getting good grades without even studying.
( iii ) Malaysia politics to be stable (LOL!)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Good for him!

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
You mean, everything.

10. What takes you down the fastest?

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
Currently? Forever and ever it will be the one and only God.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
I shall follow God's plan for me.

15. Would you give all in a relationship?
Before marriage : Nope
After marriage : Yup

16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
None. They are not products that I choose from the rack.

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
If that person apologises, why not?

18.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
Either is fine for me.

19. What's the hardest thing for you?
A stone.

Hugh Clifford (LOL!)

I HATE TAGGING PEOPLE! But being tagged is fine for me.

I broke the rule! Wooot! Didn't change questions that I don't like. Sorry for being non-nonsensical, the thoughts just slipped into my mind.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First tag!

GREAT. I'm tagged by Kylie. Thanks darling. xD The worst part is, her blog is not copy-and-paste-able. So I had to type everything out again. Ishhh... But nvm, it's not that long anyway. Here goes :

Rules and Regulations :

1. State 15 weird things / habit / little known facts about yourself

2. Post the Rules and Regulations.

3. Tag 10 people.

  • My Chinese name is joined together.
  • I've start wearing specs since 6 years old.
  • I've changed more than 5 pairs of spectacles.
  • I still keep my old spectacles, with the case.
  • Used to have short hair when I was in primary.
  • Used to crack my knuckles but now no more. (PTL!)
  • Can cry very easily.
  • Can't stand those people who have no manners.
  • If I tak syok someone's act, I will scold him/her off.
  • I'm getting sick of this tag already!!! But I'm gonna finish this.
  • I don't even know what are my interests.
  • Always can't wait for the next Teenacity Service.
  • No Teenacity, No Life.
  • I LOVE JUSTINA! And I'm sure she will get married in the future. =P
  • I love to read books. Good storybooks are the one that can make me cry.

PRAISE THE LORD! I'm done! Wait. I'm supposed to tag 10 fellas. Which is :

  1. Shermaine
  2. Benjamin Goh
  3. Chan Tong
  4. Amanda Ooi
  5. Arthur
  6. Baba
  7. Nyonya
  8. Kiki
  9. Lala
  10. Fifi

Yay! Who cares, only 5 are existed. Thanks for the tip, Kylie. Haha...



Teenacity had Chill Out last Saturday! And I was the Program Coordinator (PC) for that service, with the help of Siau Ying. But that's not what I wanna talk about. It's about... My oh-so-glorious accident. Most of you all should know already since you all saw me in Teenacity yesterday.

What happened? Hah. Blame Philip! Nah, just joking. I was "assigned" by Philip to help him to look for board games to be played during EPIC. Just so happen that my cousin have Pictionary and Cluedo. So, after Alvin pick me up, he fetched me to my cousin's house which is only a row away to get the board games. I took them, upon my way out, my feet got unbalanced and I fell flat to the tar road, FACE first. It was unbalance because my cousin's house's car porch's entrance is a slope while the neighbour's house's car porch is flat ground. So, each foot on different height of ground, there it goes, SPLAT. Miraculously(not really), only the center of my face got injured, which includes the space between my eyes, the space between my nose&my lips and my upper lip.

Sad no? Yes it is. Pathetic, I could say.

Due to the fall, my lips are now swollen. Alvin said I look like Angelina Jolie now. Haha... I know he's trying to cheer me up, appreciate it loads. And my bro Darren keep saying:"Don't worry, you still look very pretty," which is a total SWEAT. And I kept saying:"I know, I know."

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. My front two teeth (yes the big ones) are... broken? It chipped off. Which makes me have eating problem, well no la, it's not much of a use anyway. But it's obviously patah-ed, supper ragged. Need to tampal it back. Don't know when.

After Teenacity Service and Huddle Max, Joshua fetched me and Darren home, and also fetched a few Puchong Home Member home. Yay Puchong!!! Before going home, he brought me to a totally random clinic in SS14, cause it's late already mah, lots of clinics are already closed, so terpaksa go into an unknown one. The doc first checked my pulse(so traditional...) then asked me to lie down on the bed. Then she washed the wounds on my hands with some special antiseptic. I said special because I asked her what is it that she's applying on my hand, and she answered:"Oh, it's a special kind of antiseptic that can make the sand come out of your wound." And I was like, "got such thing one meh?" Gahh, who cares. But it turned out to be true(Like duh, if not the clinic will lingkup since long time ago already lorr). The doc took some metal thingy to scrap out the sand and ouch, it hurts.

After taking my medicine which is Antibiotic, painkiller and a special cream to apply on my lips, Joshua sent bro and I back home. Ish, how I wish I don't have to take drugs, cause you know, it's bad for some organs. And one stupid trip to the doc like this cost RM55. RM55!!! So expensive right... One clumsiness of mine is enough to make a big hole in my dad's wallet. =/

Woot! I'm still going to school tomorrow. Was thinking of wearing a board which says "Don't ask me why". Good idea, but would be crazy to carry out. Haha... So be it. I'm going to school tomorrow when everyone give me weird looks and 100% they will ask me "What happened?". I'm soooo prepared to face my wrath tomorrow. GOD BLESS ME!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Woot! My blog is resurrected, after how many donkey monkey turkey years. All thanks to Justina who has driven me to revive my blog. Not that anyone knows about my previous blog anyway. =P

Hmm, hope that my blog won't be dead after 1 month, which is what happened for the previous one. But note that I won't blog everyday (my life is not as interesting as Audrey's =P), maybe only twice or thrice a week. So if you're kind enough, do drop by whenever you can!!

So Ta-Da! Here's my blog!! =)

I'm also an author for few other blogs, such as :

1) Teenacity!
2) 3 Explorer!
3) The Revolutionaries!

Do check them out!